Sunday, August 10, 2014

Gimme a Break!

It's been said that in a single day in 2014 we receive as much new information to process as a person in the Middle Ages would have received in her entire lifetime.  Can you even wrap your brain around that?  Is it any wonder that we so often feel so worn out?  We live in a world of information overload; our brains are being asked to process an enormous amount of data.

No wonder I can't find my car keys!

We all need a break from the barrage of information.  Regular sleep is a good place to begin.  It's also a good idea to disconnect once in a while:  I promise the world will not stop spinning if you don't know the latest headlines, haven't read your email, and don't know what's on sale at Target.

But your brain will thank you for the break--something even the ancients understood when they received with joy that weekly gift that continues to be honored across the traditions.  Many still call it the sabbath.  

It seems that someone knows us better than we know ourselves, and is telling us to unplug and rest.

Remember the Sabbath, and keep it.  (Wholly!)  

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