Sunday, August 31, 2014


They were everywhere we looked--growing on the side of the road, along driveways, in front yards: blackberries, plump and juicy and ripe for the picking.  If only our trip (and the Washington summer) could last a little longer!  But despite all best efforts, as suddenly as those berries seemed to pop up out of nowhere they would soon be gone--gobbled up by greedy tourists and hungry birds and maybe even a local or two.

Not to worry, though!  Some sugar and some heat and there would be jam on toast for the winter months: a sweet reminder--summer preserved.

I'm pretty sure he didn't even realize his error, the reader on Sunday morning relaying an ancient message first written for a people long gone: persevere.  But rather than using that word, a reminder to stick with hope despite the shifting ground beneath our feet, instead we heard "preserve."

Now that may sound pretty sweet to those who wish summer could just go on forever, those who go kicking and screaming into the inevitable future, doing everything possible to preserve the past.  The thing is, preserves may be delicious, but they're not fresh berries, and even preserves don't last forever.  As swiftly as the summer flies, so too the winter.

Which leaves me thinking the ancient preacher had it right after all--rather than trying to hold on to the past that will slip through our fingers no matter how tightly we grasp--perhaps it would be best for us to simply let go, and stick with hope instead.

"...persevere in prayer."
Thanks for reading!  Have a sweet Labor Day weekend--and feel free to share these messages with family and friends.  Read past posts or subscribe to new ones at

(c) Stephen Fiechter, 2014.  All rights reserved.


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