Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ups and Downs....

It's been said that life has its ups and downs, though most of us really don't need to say it. 

So it was for the mountain climber in Yosemite who recently climbed to the top of Cathedral Peak with his girlfriend where he proposed to her that they spend the rest of their lives together.  She accepted.  In a quick phone call home he reported it as "the best day of my life."

He fell to his death that same afternoon.

What can we make of a story like this?  How is it possible to reach a mountain top--to be able to say "this is the best day of my life," and then in an instant, crash to the bottom?  What kind of a world affords this horrible juxtaposition?

Well, THIS kind of world...that's what kind.  Our lives are filled with highs and lows and in-betweens.  Each of us has stories to tell of mountain-top highs and ocean-bottom lows.  Some don't live to tell their stories.  But something tells me that whether on the mountain top, in the valley below, or somewhere in-between, we're not alone...

Which may just make it all---every high, every low, every in-between---worthwhile.

Whether high or low or in-between, you are not alone!  

"If I make my bed in Hades, you are there."

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