Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Goin' My Way?

Lately I've been a bit more attentive to the notion that life is a journey...and by that I don't mean a trip with a planned destination, but more of an adventure in which each new day offers up surprises, challenges, joys, sorrows, and everything in-between.

I've also noticed how intent I often am in trying to convince myself that other people are on the same journey as I am, and so spend inordinate amounts of time comparing myself to them.  Somehow being in the same place at the same time leads me to believe that we're all heading in the same direction.

Ah, but it's not so.  A more honest way of understanding our lives might be found in the realization that we are not all heading in the same direction, and while we may find ourselves walking alongside others--even for long periods of time--each of our lives is a unique and wonderful adventure.  Comparing ourselves may just serve to diminish us all.

How grateful I am for those who accompany me in this life, even if only for a short time!  And how wonderful to know that this is my adventure, and you have one too--and though our stories may be unique, we are no less or no more for being different.

Wishing you peace for your journey!  Thanks for reading, thanks for sharing--Steve Fiechter

"We're all just walking each other home."  Ram Dass

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