Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Just say "No"

Seems to me we live in a culture of "yes."  Everywhere I turn, people tell me exactly what they think I want to hear, mostly so that I'll do exactly what they want--buy, buy, buy.

But I'm not buying it.  In fact, what I'm doing is remembering words from long ago: that's it's better to say "no" and then do what's right than it is to say "yes" and do nothing.   It's better to be honest about our indifference or resistance but then act with compassion than it is to pretend we care and let the world go on suffering.

Because, in the end, if I only SAY what is right and don't do it, my words are empty and meaningless.  But if I DO what is right, right will be done--no matter what I say.

"Let your 'yes' be yes and your 'no' be no."

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