Saturday, July 26, 2014

It Really IS Science!

I tend to think that the important things in life are fairly simple--which is why one of my favorite sayings is, "It's not rocket science!"

As it turns out, though, even the simple things--those things that we think are simply obvious--may be a bit more complex than we ever realized, and are increasingly becoming scientifically verifiable.

Take, for example, the idea that paying someone a compliment will increase their sense of well-being, value and self-esteem, and putting someone down or criticizing them will reduce their overall productivity and could even send them for a loop.  Simple, right?  Well, modern brain science now shows us that certain chemicals are released in the brain when someone receives a compliment.  Those chemicals stimulate the part of the brain that controls complex thought and productivity.  On the flip side, if someone is criticized, it can release a chemical in the brain that shuts down productivity and sends the person into "self-protect" mode.

And guess what!  The chemical that's released when we hear a compliment is only effective for a short time--maybe an hour or so--while the one that is released when we hear criticism can last for days!

So my dad was right: "One 'aw-%$#@' really does cancel ten 'attaboys'."  The science backs it up!  And now the question for us is simply this:  If we know we can increase well-being and productivity by being positive rather than putting others down and being critical, will we choose to share a positive word?

That choice seems rather simple to me.

"A kind word turns away wrath."

So glad if you enjoy reading these, and hope you'll feel free to share them with others.  Visit the blog, for previous posts.  Thanks for reading!  -Steve

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