Saturday, May 3, 2014

Are You There?

Do you ever feel as if you're missing something?  That there's something going on and no one bothered to tell you?  Have you ever felt as if you've been left out of the loop, uninvited, left behind?  Have you ever wondered why it seems like you're the only one who didn't get the memo?

You're not alone.  Belonging--the desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves--is a normal part of the human condition.  That's why there are times when we feel as if we are insiders, and other times when we feel left out.

It's a good thing, too.  Our desire to be included helps to keep us connected in ways we might never seek if our sense of independence and self-reliance were given free reign.  If we're going to survive on this planet--which seems to me a noble goal--a recognition and deliberate practice of our interdependence is going to be increasingly important.  On the flip side, an overwhelming desire to be included can be a source of trouble in our lives and even lead to all kinds of destructive behavior.  After all, your mother was right to ask, "If they jumped off a bridge would you jump too?

Our desire to belong can also blind us to the presence of others who, themselves, long for inclusion.  These are the lost and lonely, the sick and the sick at heart, the homeless, the abused, the neglected, the ones we've been promised would be with us many ways, the presence of God.

So the next time you're feeling left behind, remember--you're really not alone.  Somewhere, waiting for you and not very far away, there's someone who knows exactly how you feel.  I think you'll know what to do.

"When did we see you, Lord?"

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