Sunday, November 22, 2015

What I Need to Set Me Free

It just popped into my head and suddenly, without even so much as a thought, I was whistling.  But you know how that can be.  Where do these things come from?

The guy on the bus knew.  He smiled and said he hadn't heard that one in years.

"They don't write 'em like that any more."

The woman walking along the subway platform smiled.  She knew, too.  A simple melody, a couple of notes, a pop tune from the past can have such power. 

From my lips to God's ear.

I spend a lot of time wondering if there isn't something more--more that I can do or say--to make this world a little bit better: to bring joy.  Maybe sometimes you wonder that, too.  Maybe in the end it all just comes down to a simple melody, a happy tune, a shared smile with a stranger.

Oh, and of course a yellow ribbon.  A simple yellow ribbon.

"So tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree...a simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me free."

(c) Fiechter, 2015

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