Monday, November 16, 2015

Is Your Fear Winning?

No doubt about it, It's a scary world.  Unless you were already living in a state of denial and had already drawn the shades and pulled up the blankets, you know of recent events and you are witnessing the results:  fear.

And it's growing.  Fear is growing when we accept simple answers that seem plausible and just so happen to fit into our already limited world-view.  Fear is growing when we point fingers and roll up the sidewalks--when we slam doors in the face of those in need.  Fear is growing when logic is trumped by emotionality.  Fear begets hate.  Hate is fear on a bender.

Self manage.  You, along with everyone else, have a right to an opinion. None of us has a right to our own facts.  Is your fear rational?  Are you acting or reacting?  Are there two sides to your story, or only one--and where did you first hear it, your story?  Is it really yours?  Or is it the story of the loudest, scariest voice in the room, sweeping you along with the lemmings into a pile of disastrous distrust?

It's a scary world, no doubt about it.  What are you doing today to relieve the fear?  How are you writing a different story?

"Perfect love casts out fear."

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