Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hot Stuff!

As I write this, many on the West Coast of the U.S. are experiencing extreme heat.  And it's not a so-called "dry heat"'s accompanied by a monsoon flow, don't ya know.  

Think hot and sticky.

I'm reminded, though, that it could be worse.  Even as we are baking in the heat and in the midst of a serious drought, it could be much worse.  For many in this world there is no shelter available.  For many in this world there is no choice but to be subjected to the horrors of diseases like Ebola and malaria.  Many have no clean water to drink, no food to eat, no clothes to wear, no roof over their heads.  And many of these are right here in our own back yard.

Which, in this heat, makes me wonder why anyone would worry about a place called hell while failing to see that it could all be avoided if we could just figure out how to share.  You see, every nickel in the bank of a wealthy person in the developed world (and that's most of us, frankly) is a nickel that could be used to alleviate the suffering of others.  Every vote to maintain the status quo, no matter how comfortable it may be for us, is a vote to starve the life out of someone in need.  That's the bottom line in a world of limited resources.  If some have, others do not.

Change is in order...the change in our pockets, and a change in perspective too.  It may not be popular with those of us who have grown quite comfortable in our air-conditioned homes with pretty green lawns, but who ever said doing the right thing was about being comfortable?  

Now I know that many who read this are generous folks, and to you I say "thank you."  And many who will see this don't have a lot of spare change rattling around.  To you I say, "God bless you."  As for the rest of us, maybe it's time to consider a little redistribution of our thinking, and of our love.

Be generous.  It's good for you, too.

So glad if you enjoy reading...please feel free to share.  Subscribe and check out previous posts at  

And be sure to drink plenty of water!  It's hot out there!

(c) 2014, Stephen Fiechter

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