Friday, April 11, 2014

Piece of Cake!

I have to admit that when it comes to cake, I don't know "no."  Red velvet, chocolate mousse, or anything with the word "cheese" in it, and I'm done for.  It doesn't matter if I'm trying to watch what I eat--to cut back on the fat or the sugar, the carbs or the calories--all of that is swiftly swept from my plate as soon as I hear someone say "there's cake!"

The problem becomes obvious when you consider that cutting back, which would amount to a balanced and healthy diet, is important to me too.  The choice to eat that cake, or at least consider the consequences, is usually one that's made too swiftly and at a cost typically unconsidered.  If there's a battle raging between the voice that says "mmmmm, cake!" and the voice that says "no," well, it's generally a blood-bath.  "Mmmmm" wins every time, usually without even trying.

Now you may ask, "so what?" or "where's the harm?"  Welcome to my warfare!  You just joined the "mmmmm" army and you're about to help win another battle.

A long time ago, in his own process of reflection, someone by the name of Paul opined in a similar, if not more general fashion:  "I do what I don't want to do."

All these years later, most of us are still fighting that same battle.  But I've a hunch that victory for the underdog is in the works, and in these waning days of fasting and reflection, I'm doing what I can to listen to the quieter voices of reason.  I'm doing what I can to take the time to reflect for a moment longer than usual before leaping for that fork.

Because as much as I may want that cake, I also know that Easter's coming, and the impossible is just waiting to happen.

"With God, all things are possible."

Wishing you all a very happy and blessed season!  Follow this blog at  Follow me on twitter: @stevefiechter.  And if you find these reflections to be useful, be sure to share them with your friends and family!

Peace to all....Steve

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