Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tick Tock...

You know, I'm getting tired of hearing myself say it:  

"Wow, that went fast!", and;

"It's July already?", and; 

"Seems like 2014 just started, and here it is half over!"

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get used to the swift passage of time.  But one thing I do know: my statements noting how quickly time flies are all tinged with a bit of fear.  You know it too: the fear that it will all soon be over...and then what?

Yet lately I find myself growing more comfortable with the idea that it's somehow meant to be this way, and that if the passage of time seemed to slow as we age (rather than speed up), it all might become a bit of a bore.  Besides which, even if it is only an illusion, the ever advancing speed of time's passage is a regular reminder to be grateful for each day, each hour, each minute--to see each moment as a gift to be enjoyed rather than endured, each new day an opportunity to experience the fullness of life.  Life is not a race to the end.  Life is a journey.

So as hard to believe as it may be, to all I wish a very happy Independence Day!  Remember that none of us gets through this life on our own.  Spend a little of your precious time in gratitude--every day is a gift. 

Speaking of which, I'd better get shopping.  It'll be Christmas before you know it!

Time, like an ever rolling stream, 
	bears all who breathe away; 
	they fly forgotten, as a dream 
	dies at the opening day.

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