Saturday, June 14, 2014

Glory, Glory, Glorious...

One of my favorite bike rides takes me up Nichols Canyon Road in Hollywood.  If I get on the road early enough it's mostly mine to enjoy as I wind my way up the canyon, in tune with the bird songs and breezes.

Glorious mornings.

Yet I've often noticed, in that early morning light, that if I try to look too far ahead my glorious morning soon feels more like a dreaded chore.  You see, in some spots along the road I can only see a short distance ahead.  Without knowing what's around the next bend it can feel as if I'm just going to have to keep on pedaling forever!  From other places on that road I can see far ahead to the top of the canyon.  Seeing the high altitude to which I aspire from my lowly vantage can leave me feeling like I'm facing an impossible task.  It's easy to forget that I won't be getting there in a straight line; the road will bend, carrying me upward at a steady, manageable pace.

But isn't that like life?  How often do we feel as if we're on a treadmill because we don't have the vision to see around the bend to what's coming next?  How often do we look so far ahead and lose hope because we forget that life is not a goal to attain, but a journey to be enjoyed--with all it's twists and turns--a glorious adventure?

The next time I feel a bit short or long of vision, I'm going to try to remember Nichols Canyon.  The view from the top may be spectacular--but it pales in comparison to the wonderful adventure of getting there.  

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Wishing you joy for your journey!

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