Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Birthing Room

Strange things happen under the couch in our living room.  I really can't explain it, but it's like another world under there: a world I know little about...

Oh sure, every once in a blue moon some light is shed on that mysterious land.  Things get moved around for a little cleaning, maybe, or the beam of a flashlight sweeps across that barren, dusty plain as it searches for something dropped or misplaced.  But something tells me that when the light hits it the magic pauses...until my eyes turn away...and then it all begins again.

I have no proof, of course, only evidence: a beauty of a tabby, once a tiny orange kitten whose announcement--just a faint cry in the hustle and bustle--rose from that underworld to let us know he'd arrived.

And while I may never fully know what's going on in that land of mystery, as I go on fooling myself into believing only in that which I can see for myself, I sometimes wonder.  

Maybe there's more.  Maybe there's more.

"Now I see through a glass, darkly."

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