Friday, January 10, 2014

What Can You Do?

It's another beautiful day in LA.  But as I step out into that brilliant sunshine, I wonder about the rain...we haven't had any for a while, and it's becoming a problem.

And then I think, "What can I do about it?"  People like me, of a German-Rationalist bent, generally don't put a lot of stock in rain-dancing as an effective tool for bringing about needed precipitation.  So what can I do?

Have you ever noticed that it's the things over which you have no direct control that you get the most anxious?

Is there a link between your anxiety and your lack of control?

So, what can you do?

These days I'm doing what I can to live joyfully within my limitations.  I'm doing what I can, and working to let go of the rest.

What that means is that I'm asking lots of questions.  What that means is that I'm living with less so that others can have more.  What that means is that I'm picking up trash and doing the dishes and tending to the garden and sharing my thoughts and trying not to get really angry when strangers take oranges off of our tree because they are hungry...because those are things that I CAN do...and in some small way it all makes a difference.  And a lot of "small differences" add up to big change.

And because TOGETHER there is a LOT that we can do.

Think it.  Say it.  Do it.

All the best,

"...all things are possible."

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