Sunday, March 29, 2015

We Deceive Ourselves

It never ceases to amaze me how elastic many people become when faced with the simple truths of their lives.  Even when those truths seem to me as plain as the noses on their faces, the solutions to better, happier, more productive lives often seem to involve a set of mental calisthenics worthy of Rube Goldberg--with three words leading the routine:   "If only THEY..."

Why is it always someone else's fault when things aren't working out the way we'd hoped?

Now, truth be told, there are LOTS of times in life when we are justified in putting the blame for our unrealized potential squarely on the shoulders of others.  After all, we have as much control over how others treat us as they have over how them.  But were I a gambling man, I might wager that more often than we imagine, the keys to a happy and contented life are securely held in our own hands. 

Maybe it just seems too easy. 

So what is it that's holding you back?  Did someone say something that hurt?  Are you the victim of abuse or cruelty?  Is it time to share your story and take back the power they've stolen from you?

And what of those calisthenics you may have been doing?  Have you been bending over backwards to blame others for your own inaction?  Have you handed the author's pen to another and let them write YOUR story?

From what I hear, the truth will set you free.

My thanks for reading, and thanks for sharing!  Feel free to pass these "Acorns" along, and invite others to read and subscribe at

Happy spring!

Steve Fiechter

(c) Fiechter, 2015


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Another Cat Story

He arrived as others had--uninvited but without a choice.  Someone moved and he was left behind--a sad story with no place to go.  Once upon a time he'd been well cared-for, warm and dry and fed.  Now the dangerous streets were his home--hungry and filthy and frightened.

This time it didn't take much convincing.  He would be better off in a home he hadn't chosen.  At least it was warm, and there was food.  The big cats who lived there were OK--maybe a little too cheerful, a little too touchy-feely....small price to pay.

It's been a couple of years now.  The once-nameless, homeless cat dressed in a ragged and flea-bitten suit is now sleek and shiny in his fancy tuxedo.  Quite a looker, with an appetite to match.  He's sitting under my chair as I write this, and I can hear him purring for no particular reason--or maybe for every reason. 

As I hear the strains of his song, I think how much we have in common--and wonder if my gratitude will ever match his.

Thanks for reading, sharing, caring!  Feel free to invite others to read--pass along a link or connect them with the blog:

(c) Fiechter, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


As I grow a bit longer in the tooth I'm noticing something:  my memory isn't what it used to be.

It's typical, from what I hear.  As time passes, the human brain collects more and more information and so it takes a bit longer to sort through and process all of the data--sometimes things even get lost.

One thing it seems I haven't lost is my ability to swiftly accuse others.

It's only a pair of scissors, frequently used but ALWAYS returned to the same spot.  This time, as I reached for them, they weren't there. 

"Where did you put my scissors?"

The question flew out of my mouth without a moment's hesitation.  I knew beyond any doubt that I ALWAYS put those scissors back in the same place, and now they weren't there.  What other explanation could there be?  Someone else took them.

I must admit, even I was astonished at the speed of my accusation.  I just KNEW, and so I got to stew.  I was annoyed.  I needed my scissors.  I wanted my scissors...and I wanted them to be where I KNEW they should be!  Why would he take them and not put them back?  Where could he have left them?  Why did he need MY special scissors, anyway?

After a somewhat awkward confrontation, a denial of guilt, and a new search, I found the scissors--right where I'd left them.

I'm happy to report that my apology has been accepted.  Now I'm just wondering what other accusations, great and small, I've cast on others while I should have been pointing that finger at the mirror.

(c) Fiechter

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