Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Sometimes I sit, waiting to be rescued--by someone with a better idea, someone with a better opportunity, a better job, a better something or other...someone who will notice me and acknowledge my greatness--until it dawns on me that the only person who is going to do that is me.

Tradition tells us that we are all valued and needed--that there is no one part of the body that is greater or more important than another.  Yet how often do we sit quietly waiting, as if the eye will tell the foot when it's time to start walking, or the hand will tell the mouth when it's the right time to speak, or another brain will stop by to rescue us from our ennui.   But that's not how it works, friends, and deep inside we all know it.  That's not how it works in the Body and that's not how it works in the world.  In the Body, each part knows its role and does its task, orchestrated by a subconscious energy that coordinates our efforts and keeps us moving forward.  The mouth knows its job without the foot telling it (though at times that foot inserts itself....but that's another story).  The ear knows when it's time to listen, even if the mouth doesn't always know when to stop.  And those hands really do know the right thing to do, even if, more often than not, we find them in the cookie jar. 

So the next time you're sitting around waiting for instructions or an engraved invitation to action, remember this--you already know what you can be doing: walking with the troubled, offering a hand to those in need, listening with a caring heart, and speaking the truth in love.

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