Sunday, November 23, 2014


Wait!  Before you hit delete...before you walk away in a huff, think about it!

It's so clear that people around the world are becoming more and more dissatisfied with the way things are.  In every corner of the globe ordinary people are simply giving up hope.  The messages from Wall Street and K Street and Madison Avenue don't help:  "It's all about ME and my special interests." 

You and I are just left feeling disconnected, hopeless and helpless.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I just want to say "f*ck it!"  Sometimes I just want to give up. 

I saw a t-shirt today.  It said "Unf*ck the world."  I looked at that t-shirt and realized that it is, in a nutshell, the message of Jesus.  Of course, Jesus didn't put it  quite that way--he said things like "Love your neighbor" and "Welcome the stranger" and "Feed my sheep."  But in essence what Jesus was saying was, "Unf*ck the world."  Make it better.  Do what you can.  In the face of insurmountable odds, even if you feel hopeless and helpless, do one thing that makes the world better: send a note, pick up some trash, email your representative, give alms, cook a meal,  hold the door, smile.  Because the only way the tide will turn--the only way the miracle will happen--is if people like you and me, one by one, act as if it's worth the effort.

"If you have done it for the least of them, you have done it for me."  --Jesus of Nazareth

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