Friday, July 8, 2016

It's Not Golden Any More

You know that old saying, Silence is Golden.

Well, it's not "golden" any fact, our silence is rusted and tarnished, full of holes and useless.

Our silence isn't golden when people of supposed good will say nothing in the wake of murder.

Our silence isn't golden when people of privilege fail to stand up and recognize their advantage and just drive on by while others are being persecuted.

Our silence isn't golden when people who have skin that is a different tone, or who love people of the same sex, or don't conform to imaginary binary social codes are murdered in cold blood because of who they ARE and we just cross our fingers and hope for a better world, but say nothing.

Our silence is deadly--DEADLY--when we work for compromise and slow progress while life after life lies bleeding.  Our silence is deadly when our goal is to exist together in peace under one big tent and we invite the DEVIL in by never saying "STOP--NOW!"  We are the Devil when we say nothing.  We are.

And it's not enough to say "enough."  "Enough" erases each precious life that has been lost--as if there was ever a tipping point before which it was OK and after which it was not.  It has NEVER BEEN OK. 

Enslavement has NEVER been OK.

Bigotry has NEVER been OK.

Murder has NEVER been OK.

Evil has ALWAYS been wrong.

So say it, goddammit.  Shout out, Howard!  Sing out, Louise! 

And quit asking God, "how long?"  God doesn't have the answer to that question.

We do.